Those who have traveled by train at least once know that the train is safe, and this has made it one of the most suitable vehicles for traveling to distant and near destinations. Traveling by train is accompanied by no worries about weather fluctuations, fuel shortages, accidents, etc., and you will spend relaxing moments. Needless to say, the rhythmic music produced by the train on the rails itself calms the occupants to the point that even some passengers claim that this regular rhythm leads to a more comfortable sleep on train.
Despite the security, traveling by train has other advantages such as reasonable price, intimate and comfortable compartment space, eating at the buffet and walking in the corridor, which makes it easy and difficult for you.

Train ticket price
Traveling by train is also an economic decision, as traveling by train can significantly reduce your travel costs. The train ticket price depends entirely on the route, railway company and type of train you choose. Some rail companies have the option of transporting a car, which, if selected, will add to your travel expenses.
Booking Train Tickets
Booking a train ticket has made traveling by train easier than ever, and all you have to do is send us your ticket reservation request with the origin city name, destination name and round trip date to get a list of all the trains in railway companies on the route you want.
Depending on the departure time, train facilities and budget, you can choose the appropriate ticket you want and by finalizing the train ticket reservation and paying the amount online, you will receive your ticket by email.

Iran Railway Companies
Raja Transport Company and its subsidiaries Safir and Fadak Company are the suppliers of Iranian railway trains and Kootook is the ticket sales representative of these companies. Safir’s subsidiary companies are: Bonyad Eastern Railway (BonRail), Joopar, Rail SairKousar, Rail Trabar Saba, MahtabSair Jam (Mahtab), Noor Passenger Trains (Noor-Alreza), Ra’ad and Pars Company.

Routes and Iranian trains facilities
Passenger trains are classified into two categories: Hall-based and coupe trains. Depending on the capacity of each train, coupe trains include four- and six-seater coupes, which the seats in each coupe being open-flat. Some other coupe trains are coupe-type couches where the seats are not open-flat. Coupe train wagons include Ghazal Bonyad, SoroushBonyad (Pars), Parastoo, Green Plour, Safir, Parsi, Sabz, Simorgh, Zendegi, Negin, Ghadir and Persian Gulf. Depending on their capacity, there are three or four seats in each row on hill-based trains. The wagons type of these trains includes Saba bus and Hill Pardis trains. In addition to suburban routes, bus trains run on the routes Tehran – Mashhad – Tehran, Tehran – Qom – Tehran, Tehran – Miyaneh – Tehran and Tehran – Yazd – Tehran.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the necessary documents on the railway and when boarding the train?
Ticket print & valid ID card
What is the allowable load on the train?
Each passenger can take his / her essentials with him / her, provided that his / her volume does not exceed 75 cm and weighs 30 kg. As sample, handbags, small packages and suitcases containing personal belongings, patient wheelchairs, strollers and small cages for small birds (up to 40 cm in size).
How to refund or cancel a train ticket?
What is the ticket price for baby and infant?
When should I be at the train station?
How many extra people can be added in en bloc coupe?
After en bloc the coupe, the passenger can take only one additional person without a ticket with the following conditions:
Has no right to request for a place outside the same coupe.
Passenger bill is issued by the head of the train according to his entitlement.
What to do if you miss a train ticket?
In case of ticket loss, the passenger can go to the railway stations that have an online ticketing system during office hours and get the ticket again. And if he / she is present at the railway stations, which have an online ticket sales system on time (Up to 45 minutes left to travel) and during office hours, a duplicate ticket will be issued to them according to the relevant regulations. Duplicate tickets can be issued when the lost ticket must have been issued through a computer network and not refunded, and the cost is 5% of the total ticket price, and if it is lost, no other duplicate ticket will be issued. Duplicate tickets are not currently refundable through the system. (Duplicate tickets refund is possible only if the original ticket and duplicate tickets are provided simultaneously in online stations and all sales agencies and in coordination with the integrated train ticket sales center).
Can women buy train tickets for the women's coupe?
Yes, it is possible. Women can buy a train ticket for the women’s coupe for more comfort during the trip. Of course, there is also a coupe for men.
What are the train insurance terms?
All train passengers are insured against accidents from the arrival moment at departure station to exit the destination station. Passenger accident insurance includes reimbursement of medical expenses and compensation for disability or death caused by accidents such as fire, accident, explosion, derailment, maneuvering, stoning and other possible accidents.