Pir Shalyar festival is an ancient traditional ceremony in the village of Huraman in Kurdistan province in western part of Iran. The ceremony is held in the village of Huraman (Uraman Takht) in Kurdistan each year in mid-winter. Pir Shalyar wedding anniversary is celebrated during three days. The first day is Wednesday, all people gather together in the village. They cook a special Aush (soup/stew), play a special drum frame called Daf and dance.

During these three days, the people of Huraman Takht shut down all their work and just spend their time in this ancient celebration. The special meal (Aush) is the same one that was cooked 950 years ago at the old royal dinner. After eating, people go to their homes and take extra food to their homes to eat as a blessing. On the last day people dance until night and spend the night in Pir Shalyar’s house. At night, the lecturers talk about Pir Shalyar. Thereafter, the song will be sung or chanted, and the session ends with a prayer.

Pir Shalyar story is exactly like one of the Disney’s stories. The story of king’s daughter, Bahar Khatoon who was deaf mute, and all the physicians had been failed to heal her. King announced anybody could heal her, he could marry her. After all doctors in the country failed to heal her, king heard about Pir Shalyar. The next day king, his daughter and all his servants went to Huraman to meet Pir Shalyar. They entered the town and find Pir’s house. As they got close to the house, king’s daughter start hearing and talking, all knew it’s because of Pir’s supernatural power. Finally Pir Shalyar and Bahar Khatoon married. King held the biggest and greatest wedding ceremony ever. Now after almost thousand year people celebrate this wedding anniversary.


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